Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lila Turns One Years Old!!!

Lila Bug,

Whoa ... how fast the last 12 months flew by! You are quickly leaving babyhood behind, and I don't think we're quite ready for it. Here's what 12 months looks like for you right now...

The pace of your growth at this time in your life astounds us. You are now a very speedy crawler, you started to stand up on two feet, and even started to walk (with some assistance). It won't be long at all before you take your first steps on your own. You babble a lot, but are also starting to form some words. Your Daddy LOVES when squeak out in your little voice "Bye Dada," or come excitedly crawling across the floor to him at top speed when he walks in the door. You also say Mama, ball, and duck. Much to our chagrin, you also have been testing your volume limits with your new voice. You love to scream and yell ... sometimes you seem to think you're actually singing when you do. A love for music must be in our blood, because (just like your sister) you seem to truly enjoy music. Occasionally, we catch you bouncing up and down or swaying back and forth to the beat of a song. Hilarious.

I have decided that sisterhood is an amazing thing (at least for now). It is truly heart-warming to watch your sister and you play together right now. Adah takes her role as big sister very seriously and will step in to parent you when we are in the other room. Your Daddy and I have to laugh when we hear things like, "Sssshhh, Lila. Too loud!" (with her finger wagging back and forth in front of you) and "It's OK, Lila. It's OK." (with her hand gently rubbing your back while you are crying). More so than before, you are now starting to truly interact with your sister. You crawl up on her bed and throw her cherished Panda, Teddy Bear, and Bunny on the floor with some sass and a giggle. You cook with her in your play kitchen and taste things on your spoon. You like to snuggle on Mama's lap and read books together before nap time, playfully pulling at each others hair or holding hands.

Your emerging personality is different from your sister's in some ways and yet very similar in others. You seem pretty happy most of the time and you go with the flow pretty well (for someone who is one, that is). But when you set your mind on doing something, it is quite hard (if not impossible) to change it. I foresee some hard days for me in the near future, but am confident that this trait will serve you well in your life.

Things are changing fast and we can't wait to see what the next few months have in store for you. We're thrilled to have you as part of our family, Lila! Here are some pictures of our new one year old:

Cupcakes ... good to play with, but too sticky!

Got Places To Go ... Watch Out!
(Notice the bag over the arm like a purse)

Giggles with Daddy

Lila Learning to Walk


Jenny said...

Love it, love it, love it! Thanks for taking the time to post this -- it helps us know Lila, even from a distance. She is getting so big!! What a cutie. :)

Harriet said...

So exciting to see Lila almost walking -- she is speedy! I love the description of her interactions with Adah. What a team! And it's wonderful that both Adah and Lila love music. I miss you all!