Sunday, March 23, 2008

Adah Turns Five Months

Adah turned five months old this weekend. She has had a busy month of playing. She still loves to read stories, but she also loves a good game of peek-a-boo, listening to music, watching others eat (crunchy foods are especially funny), and telling "stories" with the many new sounds she has figured out how to make (the pterodactyl-like scream was our least favorite). It's so awesome to watch her little brain work as she figures out new things.

Apparently, putting her foot in her mouth is soooo last month. She has now moved on to throwing her legs in the air and slamming them down on the floor, crib mattress, or whatever else happens to be beneath her. This is especially funny in the morning when I hear THUMP THUMP THUMP coming from her room ... she's just letting me know that she's awake and ready to play. Adah has also figured out how to play peek-a-boo with me by herself. I had been throwing a light rag over her head and then pulling it off saying "There's Adah". One day last week she grabbed the rag herself, put it over her head, then pulled it off and looked at me with a big grin. She was quite proud of herself, as was I. Adah has also started showing some interest in sitting up. She does what Chris and I call her baby crunches. From a lying position, she picks her feet up at a 45 degree angle, then lifts her head and shoulders off the ground with her arms stretched out toward her feet. We have started sitting her up and helping her learn to balance, but she usually falls over in a few seconds. Maybe next month!

Here are some of her favorite activities of the last month and a few pictures in Easter outfits...

Adah likes looking at herself in the mirror.

Adah also like waking up from naps.
(and THUMP THUMP THUMPing her feet on the mattress)

Snuggling with Daddy

Here's Adah in her pre-Easter day outfit.
(Notice the bunnies on her feet.)

Here's Adah in her Easter outfit.

The Rozell household has been quite busy the last month. Chris has had two out-of-town trips (one to Atlanta for business at GA Tech and one to a conference at Princeton) and three grant submission deadlines. Unfortunately, sleep has been elusive for him lately. Adah and I have been holding down the fort while he was out of commission for a while. Chris and I are also starting to think more seriously about our move to Atlanta, which is approaching quickly. We have been looking at houses, hoping to buy something in the near future. California has been fun, but we now feel as though we are on the downward slope of our time here.


Jen said...

Hi! I found your blog through Renee's. It's been fun to catch up on your new life as parents. Adah is beautiful! And you guys look fantastic. I'm glad life is treating you well. Best wishes with getting ready for your move. I've got some friends in Atlanta if you want some connections and/or church suggestions.

The Ulrickson Fam said...

Love, love, love the update about Miss Adah. Too cute as always working her Easter ensemble. Keep us in the loop as your move draws near. We'll be praying for all the details to fall into place.